Thomasius, Christian

Year of birth: 1655 - Year of death: 1728

Biography - documentation

No informations for this actor.

No contents for this actor.

Datesort ascending Ressource URI
1999 Schröder, Peter, Christian Thomasius zur Einführung (Hamburg , Junius Verlag, 1999)
1997 Schröder, Peter, "Thomas Hobbes, Christian Thomasius and the Seventeenth-Century Debate on the Church and State", History of European Ideas 23(1997), 59-79
1991 Wille, Dagmar von, Lessico filosofico della Frühaufklärung. Christian Thomasius, Christian Wolff, Johann Georg Walch (Roma , Edizioni dell'Ateneo, 1991)
1988 Leinsle, Ulrich Gottfried, Reformversuche protestantischer Metaphysik im Zeitalter des Rationalismus (Augsburg , Maro Verlag, 1988) p. 162-177
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