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Ressource | URI |
2006 | Barroso Fernández, Oscar, "Suárez, filósofo de encrucijada o del nacimiento de la ontología", Pensamiento 62(2006), p. 121-138 | |
2004 | Doyle, John P., Francisco Suárez. A Commentary on Aristotle's Metaphysics. Translated from the Latin with an Introduction and Notes (Milwaukee , Marquette University Press, 2004) | |
2004 | Darge, Rolf, Suárez' transzendentale Seinsauslegung und die Metaphysiktradition (Leiden/Boston , Brill, 2004) | |
2004 | Doyle, John P., The Metaphysical Demonstration of the Existence of God. Metaphysical Disputations 28-29, Translated and Edited by John P. Doyle (South Bend (Indiana) , Saint Augustine's Press, 2004) | |
2004 | Hasse, Dag Nikolaus, "Aufstieg und Niedergang des Averroismus in der Renaissance: Niccolò Tignosi, Agostino Nifo, Francesco Vimercato", in: "Herbst des Mittelalters" ? Fragen zur Bewertung des 14. und 15. Jahrhunderts, Pickavé, Martin; Aertsen, Jan A. (éds), Berlin / New York : de Gruyter, 2004 (2004), 447-473 471-472 |