Bibliographic records

Key Recomposed referencesort descending Year Number of informations
Bibl3284 Allacci Leone, Apes urbanae sive de viris illustribus, qui ab Anno MDCXXX. per totum MDCXXXII Romae adfuerunt, ac Typis aliquid euulgarunt, Romae 1633, excudebat Ludouicus Grignanus. (1633) 1633 0
Bibl7324 Allègre, Guillaume / Arnov, Maud / Marceau, Alain, L'autonomie des jeunes au service de l'égalité (, Terra Nova, 2010) 2010 0
Bibl1634 Allemand, Louis, Galilée, son procès et sa condamnation par le tribunal de l'Inquisition romaine (Paris, E. Renault, 1867) 1867 0
Bibl7259 Allemang, Dean / Hendler, James, Semantic Web for the Working Ontologist: Effective Modeling in {RDFS} and {OWL} (, Elsevier, 2011) 2011 0
Bibl6552 Allemang, Dean / Hendler, James, Semantic web for the working ontologist. Modeling in RDF, RDFS and OWL (Amsterdam / Boston , Morgan Kaufmann Publishers/Elsevier, 2008) 2008 0
Bibl8032 Allen, Franklin S., The Silk Industry of the World at the Opening of the Twentieth Century (New York, Silk Association of America, 1904) 1904 0
Bibl8031 Allen, G. C., A Short Economic History of Modern Japan, 1867-1937 (London, G. Allen & Unwin Ltd, 1972) 1972 0
Bibl7644 Allen, G. C. / Donnithorne, Audrey G., Western Entreprise in Far Eastern Economic Development. China and Japan (London, George Allen & Unwin Ltd, 1954) 1954 0
Bibl1055 Allen, Theodore W., Die Erfindung der weissen Rasse. Rassistische Unterdrückung und soziale Kontrolle (Berlin, ID-Verlag, 1998) 1998 0
Bibl3914 Alle origini dell'Università dell'Aquila. Cultura, università, collegi gesuitici all'inizio dell'età moderna in Italia meridionale, ed. Iappelli, Filippo / Parente, Ulderico (Roma , Institutum Historicum S.I., 2000) 2000 0
